Information and communications technology in education
Information and communications technology in education
1. Technologies for tet generation and tests quality evaluation.
The development of new knowledge control and diagnostic components for adaptive learning environment will be based on the onthological approach. Main problems are generation of educational tests and assessing the test quality. Test generation will be based on ontologies for specific subject areas. The test evaluation subsystem is automatic, it will extract the basic test subject area knowledge, i.e. conceptual structures, about which a test question is asked, and compare them with the relevant ontological model network fragment. A test score, including integrity, reliability, categorical evaluation, etc., will be derived as a result of this comparison. This technology will allow to objectify the comparison procedures for various tests, to determine verified comparison parameters.
2. A linguistic processor for analyzing of the learner's short answer, constructed in form of arbitrary natural language text.
The text analysis is based on the semantic-syntactic patterns of the answer models, which makes it possible to extract the relevant knowledge from the answers. A question-answer grammar was developed, morphological and partial syntactic analysis modules for Russian and Tatar languages were implemented.