Nominal prizes
Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
In order to encourage scientists for major scientific works, scientific discoveries and inventions that are important for science and practice Tatarstan Academy of Sciences has established a 10 Nominal Prizes.
 | Sh. Marjani Prize in the field of historical and social sciences
(established by the Decree of TAS Presidium from 17.06.93, Protocol № 6)
 | Kh. M. Mushtari Prize in mathematics and mathematical sciences
(established by the Decree of TAS Presidium from 17.06.93, Protocol № 6)
 | G. Kh. Kamay Prize in chemistry and chemical technologies
(established by the Decree of TAS Presidium from 17.06.93, Protocol № 6)
V. A. Engelhardt Prize in the field of biology
(established by the Decree of TAS Presidium from 17.06.93, Protocol № 6)
 | A. G. Teregulov Prize in the field of medicine and public health
(established by the Decree of TAS Presidium from 17.06.93, Protocol № 6)
 | K. G. Bohl Prize in the field of veterinary
(established in May 14, 2000)
 | V. P. Mosolov Prize in the field of agricultural sciences
(established in May 14, 2000)
 | A. D. Ado Prize in allergology, immunology and general pathology
(established in June 14, 2001)
 | V.A. Popov Prize in the field of rational nature management and environmental protection
(established in October 9, 2003)
 | G. Ibragimov Prize in the field of Tatar linguistics and literary studies
(established in February 21, 2013)